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We cordially invite you to a FREE SEMINAR (IN-PERSON) by Dr. Daniel T.C. Yao on May 26, 2023 (Friday), 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at IIAP Function Hall, 26th Floor, BPI Philam Life Makati, 6811, Ayala Ave., Makati City.

Seminar Information

By the end of 2022 the installed capacity of photovoltaics in Taiwan reached almost 10GW. In 2022 the power generated by photovoltaics alone in Taiwan was 10,675GWh, which accounted for 45% of total renewable energy and 3.7% of total power generation. The photovoltaics has become an indispensable part and a national security issue with respect to power supply in Taiwan.

In 2015 Typhoon Hanna (Soudelor) devastated Taiwan and inflicted severe damages in green energy industry including photovoltaics. If a similar typhoon event occurs again today, the insurance loss from photovoltaics can be more than ten times of that from Soudelor in 2015. A recent study on the risks of photovoltaics in Taiwan based on the data from Taiwan Insurance Institute by Eos Rhea Metis, Ltd. (ERM)

has shown several critical issues with respect to the safety of photovoltaics under the threats of natural and anthropogenic hazards. Dr. Daniel Yao as the chief researcher of this study will share his experience and lesson learned in Taiwan on the risks of photovoltaics from the perspectives of insurance industry.

Thank you, and we look forward to your joining the seminar.


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