On 18 and 19 September 2023, Incheon Metropolitan City, the Incheon Institute and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute) organized the International Disaster Resilience Leaders Forum Incheon 2023 (IDRLF 2023) in Incheon, Republic of Korea, with the support of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) of the Republic of Korea, and in cooperation with the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS).
This second edition of the IDRLF was conducted under the theme ‘Enabling technological application and
partnership for climate and disaster risk reduction’ and brought together national and local government
representatives from 25 countries and 31 cities from all continents, as well as technical experts from the
academia and international and regional organizations.
Over the course of two days, national and local leaders and practitioners shared experiences and good practices in applying innovative technologies and measures for disaster resilience and climate change adaptation. Participants also discussed opportunities and challenges for technology application and transfer in the context of disaster risk reduction, including access to knowledge, funding, and capacity development. The Forum concluded with a field visit to state-of-the-art environmental management facilities of Incheon Metropolitan City, a Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) Resilience Hub.
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Read more about IDRLF 2023: https://www.undrr.org/news/innovation-and-unity-key-resilience
IDRLF 2022: https://idrlf.kr/en/
IDRLF 2023: https://idrlf2023.kr/en/