The Financial Services Authority (OJK) believes that the Islamic insurance sector in Indonesia will consolidate in the next few years.
Mr. Ogi Prastomiyono, chief executive of Insurance, Guarantee Institutions, and Pension Funds Supervision at the OJK, said in a statement to the media that this scenario could be seen from the Shariah unit spin-off work plans (RKPUS) which have been submitted by 41 insurance companies that have takaful windows.
Mr. Ogi said that based on the spin-off plans, 12 Shariah units will not continue operations but will transfer their portfolios to other companies instead.
In his update on the progress on the spinning off of takaful windows by insurers, Mr Ogi said that as of August 2024, there were 29 Shariah units that would continue takaful operations. Among them, the plans are to establish new companies as follows: in 2024, two Shariah units will be transformed into takaful companies; in 2025 there will be 18, and in 2026 there will be nine.
The OJK issued the regulation POJK 11 of 2023 to regulate the spinning-off of Shariah units of insurance and reinsurance companies. The current deadline for spinning off is 31 December 2026.
Source: meinsurancereview.com