PSI Work Programme Updates– For Information
PSI Preparations for COP28 – The Secretariat is currently confirming PSI events related to the upcoming COP28. If your organisation is planning to attend COP28 please complete the form available here so we can share with you information on possible speaking opportunities and other important information.
As part of the PSI’s activities in advance of COP28 Butch Bacani, Programme Leader, UNEP PSI participated in-person and virtually in a series of events highlighting the importance of sustainable insurance including the WTW European Insurance Leaders' Forum in Brussels, Belgium and ICMIF Sustainability Summit in London, England.
V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility (SIF) –
Throughout the month of October, members of V20 SIF team have been advocating for the facility and the PSI at conferences in West Africa and the Caribbean.
Diana Chepngeno, Regional Coordinator for Africa and the Middle East, spoke at the Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance in Lome, Togo to discuss how governments and organizations can collaborate to mitigate the effects of climate change in Africa and strengthen the resilience of populations in the face of these challenges.
Diana also attended the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance in Accra, Ghana, where she met with Dr. Kofi Andoh, Acting Commissioner for the National Insurance Commission of Ghana.
Gabriel Perez, Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, gave a presentation at the Caribbean Association of Banks annual assembly in Trinidad addressing the importance of embracing the SIF platform as a mechanism for protecting the parts of their portfolios which work with micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, and bolstering their resilience through sustainable insurance design and development. Additionally, Gabriel has met with insurers, multilateral organizations, and development banks, to discuss actively pursuing a sustainable agenda in the Caribbean region.
New Members of the PSI – For Information
We would like to take the opportunity to welcome two new signatories to the PSI. Palomar Holdings, Inc. is the 2nd US-based insurance company to join the PSI and Wawanesa Insurance is one of Canada’s largest property and casualty companies.
Upcoming Events – For Action
Webinar on Building Flood Resilience Through Community Engagement in Canada (21 November, 1000-1100 EST) – Hosted by the PSI Canadian Taskforce, this webinar will explore the opportunities and challenges for growing resilience by showcasing a recent case study by TD Insurance regarding a recent pilot with the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction on a new approach to homeowner education. Click here to register.
Sustainable Finance Forum at COP28 – The Sustainable Finance Forum will be held on 6 December in Dubai, UAE. Hosted by Climate Action, the PRI and UNEP FI, this event will be one of the biggest platforms for open dialogue with the finance sector held alongside COP28. Click here for more information.
UNEP FI Regional Roundtables – For Information
UNEP FI has hosted a series of Regional Roundtables on Sustainable Finance over the course of 2023. These roundtables provide an opportunity for members to come together locally to discuss the latest trends, innovations and share good practices.
The final roundtable in the series will be the Latin America and the Caribbean Roundtable30-31 January 2024 in Bogotá, Colombia. Registration is free to UNEP FI members and the public (Click here to register)
Previous Regional Roundtables:
The North America Regional Roundtable was held 1-2 March 2023 in Toronto, Canada. (Click here to watch the recordings from the event)
The Asia Pacific Roundtable was held 24-25 May 2023 in Seoul, South Korea. (Click here to watch the recordings from the event)
The Africa and Middle East Roundtable was held 14-15 June 2023 in Windhoek, Namibia. (Click here to watch the recordings from the event)
The Europe Regional Roundtable was held 12-13 September 2023 in Madrid, Spain. (Click here to watch the recordings from the event)